Every day, we ship hundreds of assemblies to our customers. They use our services to deliver on their product needs with less time, fewer costs, and greater control. Ready to put manufacturing on auto-pilot?
Get A quoteWe thoroughly check every data point from trace to component. We root out any inconsistencies, provide cost and panel optimizations, and check for component availability to ensure a smooth prototype.
We start with checks on checks and build quality and efficiency in the early stage of product routing. Our digitized documentation flows with your product and our process ends by tweaking every last optimized detail.
It starts with parts. Our world class supply chain ensures the correct parts are here on time. Our premium, flexible infrastructure paired with 100% final inspection guarantees each assembly's timeliness and accuracy .
Automated inspection in 4 dimensions. Say good bye to lifted leads and pillowed components. We are testing now but plan to invest more moving forward.
Speed, accuracy, and repeatability. Our new YSM20 high speed line can place upwards of 200k components a day and not break a sweat!
Digitized inventory management is a reality. Full lot/date code traceability is now a standard including strict MSL control. Every reel, uniquely managed.